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主要从事生物质材料的高性能化、多功能化和高储能、低损耗电介质材料的研究。承担了国家自然科学基金面上/青年科学基金、四川省科技厅国际科技创新合作/应用基础研究面上项目等纵向项目。目前以第一作者或通讯作者在Macromolecules, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces等期刊发表SCI论文30余篇,SCI引用1000余次,授权国家发明专利4项,获省部级奖励3项。


2010/09 − 2015/07 公司,澳门新浦新京8455com,硕博连读

2006/09 − 2010/07 公司,澳门新浦新京8455com,大学本科


2017/09 − 至今 公司,澳门新浦新京8455com,副教授

2019/09 − 至今 公司高分子材料工程重点实验室,固定人员

2016/08 − 2017/08 Case Western Reserve University,Macromolecular Science and

Engineering,Research Associate

2015/07 - 2016/06 华南理工大学,材料科学与工程学院,博士后










[1]Zhu, J.-L., Chen, S.-P., Lin, W.,Huang, H.-D.*,Li, Z.-M.*, Cellulose mineralization with in-situ synthesized amorphous titanium dioxide for enhanced adsorption and auto-accelerating photocatalysis on water pollutant.Chemical Engineering Journal2023, 456, 141036.

[2]Zhu, J.-L., Chen, S.-P., Ma, G.-Q., Ren, J.-X., Li, H.-L., Lin, W.,Huang, H.-D.*,Li, Z.-M.*, Regenerated cellulose as template for in-situ synthesis of monoclinic titanium dioxide nanocomposite carbon aerogel towards multiple application in water treatment.Journal of Colloid and Interface Science2023, 630, 772-782.

[3]Liu, C.-Y., Li, D.-L., Li, Y., Xu, L., Meng, X., Zhong, G.-J.,Huang, H.-D.*,Li, Z.-M.*, Enhanced quasilinear dielectric behavior of polyvinylidene fluoride via confined crystallization and aligned dipole polarization.Macromolecules2022, 55, 9680-9689.

[4]Ren, J.-X., Zhu, J.-L., Shi, S.-C., Yin, M.-Q.,Huang, H.-D.*,Li, Z.-M.*, In-situ structuring a robust cellulose hydrogel with ZnO/SiO2heterojunctions for efficient photocatalytic degradation.Carbohydrate Polymers2022, 296, 119957.

[5]Wang,M.-L., Zhou, Z.-H., Zhu, J.-L., Lin, H., Dai, K.,Huang, H.-D.*,Li, Z.-M.*, Tunable high-performance electromagnetic interference shielding of intrinsic N-doped chitin-based carbon aerogel.Carbon2022, 198, 142-150.

[6]Wang, M.-L.; Zhang, S.; Zhou Z.-H.; Zhu J.-L.; Gao, J.-F.; Dai, K.;Huang, H.-D.*, Li Z.-M.*, Facile heteroatom doping of biomass-derived carbon aerogels with hierarchically porous architecture and hybrid conductive network: towards high electromagnetic interference shielding effectiveness and high absorption coefficient.Composites Part B: Engineering2021, 224,109175.

[7]Shi, S.-C.; Chen, C.; Zhu, J.-L.; Li, Y.; Meng, X.;Huang, H.-D.*; Li, Z.-M.*, Environmentally friendly regenerated cellulose films with improved dielectric properties via manipulating the hydrogen bonding network.Applied Physics Letters2021, 119, 022903.

[8]Li, Y.; Zhang, G.; Rui, G.; Li, Z.-M.; Zhong, G.-J.; Miyoshi, T.;Huang, H.-D.*; Zhu, L.*, Effects of rigid amorphous fraction and lamellar crystal orientation on electrical insulation of poly(ethylene terephthalate) films.Macromolecules2020, 53, 3967-3977.

[9]Zhou, Z.-H.; Li, M.-Z.;Huang, H.-D.*; Li, L.; Yang, B.; Yan, D.-X.; Li, Z.-M., Structuring hierarchically porous architecture in biomass-derived carbon aerogels for simultaneously achieving high electromagnetic interference shielding effectiveness and high absorption coefficient.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2020, 12,18840-18849.

[10]Zhou, Z.-H.; Liang, Y.;Huang, H.-D.*; Li, L.; Yang, B.; Li, M.-Z.; Yan, D.-X.; Lei, J.; Li, Z.-M., Structuring dense three-dimensional sheet-like skeleton networks in biomass-derived carbon aerogels for efficient electromagnetic interference shielding.Carbon2019, 152, 316-324.

[11]Huang, H.-D.; Chen, X.; Li, R.; Fukuto, M.; Schuele, D. E.; Ponting, M.; Langhe, D.; Baer, E.; Zhu, L., Flat-on secondary crystals as effective blocks to reduce ionic conduction loss in polysulfone/poly(vinylidene fluoride) multilayer dielectric films.Macromolecules2018, 51, 5019-5026.

[12]Huang, H.-D.; Chen, X.; Yin, K.; Treufeld, I.; Schuele, D. E.; Ponting, M.; Langhe, D.; Baer, E.; Zhu, L., Reduction of ionic conduction loss in multilayer dielectric films by immobilizing impurity ions in high glass transition temperature polymer layers.ACS Applied Energy Materials2018, 1, 775-782.

